According to Jennifer Lawrence, killing babies, premarital sex, and free birth control is what every “normal teenager growing up in a Jesus house needs”. Her religious upbringing must have missed where Jesus said, “You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not testify falsely.”
Lawrence just cannot understand why anyone would be against Planned Parenthood, since they “supply birth control, condoms, pap smears and cancer screenings”. Like many of the Y generation, she ignores the whole to cherry pick what she likes and she likes free birth control. “I am a successful woman who has not had a pregnancy.”
Ignoring the aspects of the baby killing industry that truly represents Planned Parenthood and believing the lie that a pre-born baby is just tissue, gives her conscience clarity.
Sadly, Lawrence has become an icon of many teens and young adults who value her opinions and will, like her, swallow her statements without cultivating a solid opinion based on fact and not media fiction. Check out more Lawrence’s lack of insight on the next page.
You might try holding an asprin between your knees. That would work too. What else are you doing “for the children”? Besides murdering them, I mean. . . .
Hey Jenny…question for you…..
Science is the only way this planet will survive, “God” will not save us. We have to save ourselves by eradicating all these dangerous religions like Christianity and Islam. Then let science take over.
It is murder! For several years now there has not been ANY doubt from even Godless scientists, that the baby (fetus means “baby”) IS a baby from the beginning, with his or her own dna. The FACTS have been published many times – though not by your sources, apparently. The old lies won’t work any more, so just do what all the murderers do and cover your eyes and ears and pretend there isn’t a baby in the womb. Where is even your common sense? Besides that, God is. And your logic is just as corrupt. Hmmm. . . let’s just find a way to make everything that’s wrong “easy,” because people will do what they are going to do. Yeah.
Her parents must be so proud of her , how man did you abort Jen
“And yes there are ways to prevent pregnancy but for some reason there is no government funding for it.” That statement right there tells us everything we need to know about you. You’re a Moonbat who wants big government to take you by the hand and guide you through life without having to be accountable for your own actions, or make your own decisions. That about sum it up?
Poor thing….what a terrible thing to say…..she is socially awkward
Hey Jennifer tell that to the 50 million babies slaughtered in the planned parenthood murder mills!!!!!!
She is an idiot
I for one won’t. I can see the writing on the wall.