According to Jennifer Lawrence, killing babies, premarital sex, and free birth control is what every “normal teenager growing up in a Jesus house needs”. Her religious upbringing must have missed where Jesus said, “You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not testify falsely.”
Lawrence just cannot understand why anyone would be against Planned Parenthood, since they “supply birth control, condoms, pap smears and cancer screenings”. Like many of the Y generation, she ignores the whole to cherry pick what she likes and she likes free birth control. “I am a successful woman who has not had a pregnancy.”
Ignoring the aspects of the baby killing industry that truly represents Planned Parenthood and believing the lie that a pre-born baby is just tissue, gives her conscience clarity.
Sadly, Lawrence has become an icon of many teens and young adults who value her opinions and will, like her, swallow her statements without cultivating a solid opinion based on fact and not media fiction. Check out more Lawrence’s lack of insight on the next page.
Sad. Very sad
This coming from a person who said she would never vote for a Republican. Yep. She has the liberal mental disorder.
This$#%&!@*here talking bout Jesus when people still fap to her leaked photos
She’s horrible
Liberals don’t spend much time thinking………………before they speak.
Next stop, Stupidville. Guess I can be done with her and her c**p too
Stand by folks………..Her 15 minutes of fame are almost up !
There is no God, and taking something out of a woman that has yet to form into anything other random bits of flesh is not “murder”. Teenagers no matter what you do well find a way to do what they want. Might as well make sure they do it safely.