Caitlyn Jenner certainly has a tumultuous history with Donald Trump. Over the past few years, the conservative transgender celebrity has both attacked and praised Trump for his positions surrounding the LGBT community.
After revealing to the world that she was transgender, Jenner made another shocking announcement. When asked by a reporter why she wasn’t a Democrat, the former olympian said, “I have gotten more flak for being a conservative Republican than I have for being trans.”
She later showed her support for Trump by using the women’s bathroom at one of Trump’s properties. She made the trip, which she filmed, after Trump said that his properties’ wouldn’t restrict bathroom usage among for transgender individuals.
But Jenner isn’t always pleased with the president’s messaging. After Trump rescinded an Obama executive order that cut off funding for schools who don’t allow transgender children to use the bathroom of their choice, Jenner went on the attack.
Read about her latest threat against Donald Trump on the next page:
I’m sure POTUS/Trump, is really worried about Caitlyn!! Trump has bigger fish to fry!!
Why isn’t the LGBT going after the Muslims for throwing Gays off the roof tops?? And the abuse of women?? No one seems to care!
Fagget q***r
President Trump is not coming after you dummy, he is not Muslim
Girdle is too tight!
Sicko go jump off a cliff
What r u gonna do hit trump with your coach pocketbook
What a sicko
You are still ugly! Was not a good looking man, even worse looking women!
Maybe Jenner should taker her threats to Colbert!
Your a joke fellow