Caving in to outcries that they represent the South’s racist past, Greg Fenves, the president of the University of Texas in Austin, announced on Thursday that the statue of Jefferson Davis will be removed from the campus’s Main Mall and moved to the school’s Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.
The statue of Woodrow Wilson was moved as well to “maintain symmetry on the mall.”
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This is so stupid,kick the liberals out of our country along with the Muslims, they deserve each other
Another commie option may be MLK or even a jihadist. thats how the commies are destroyng the white heritage of the south. the SPLC, a all commie and$#%&!@*jew organization, has identified in a newly released pamphet, of all civil war hero statues, schools with civil war names. public building named after confederate generals; for eventual renaming and or removal. the jew s over there at the SPLC want to destroy all white hertitage symbols and icon and replace with non white icons. Thier focu now is stone mountain in georgia and many statues in florida. These devils did away with christian crosses in town squares accress ameica, now civil war icons are on their new hit list.
People, you CANNOT change history!!!!!
I blame the University for doing it, they are nothing more then a bunch of idiots educating our youth. Just great and this is the future of this country I am glad I am to old to see what is going to happen. I have lived in a great time this country is doomed.
What the heck. This is ridiculous
The liberal moonbats are no different than ISIS when they bomb and tear down the Catholic & Orthodox Churches in the Middle East. Attempting to erase history to push their phony agendas.
You can not change history,you should learn from. It,destroying statues and flags and street names doesn’t prove anything g but a minority is trying to rule and people are letting them!
Bastards, really. !!
This is BS