Caving in to outcries that they represent the South’s racist past, Greg Fenves, the president of the University of Texas in Austin, announced on Thursday that the statue of Jefferson Davis will be removed from the campus’s Main Mall and moved to the school’s Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.
The statue of Woodrow Wilson was moved as well to “maintain symmetry on the mall.”
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Commy inspired. Let’s get rid of the history destroyers.
This c**p has gone beyond ridiculous!
You can’t erase history
Obama has screwed our country. Taken away our history
Maybe every war we fought was because we Racist!!! Are it’s because these are weak minded people!!!)
You are absolutely correct!!!
When’s the book bonfires coming? ???????
i want all portraits and photos of obama and the clintons removed from all public buildings such as libraries museums and schools..they are ant americans.