Caving in to outcries that they represent the South’s racist past, Greg Fenves, the president of the University of Texas in Austin, announced on Thursday that the statue of Jefferson Davis will be removed from the campus’s Main Mall and moved to the school’s Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.
The statue of Woodrow Wilson was moved as well to “maintain symmetry on the mall.”
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put them back, quit trying to rewrite our history…how are we going to learn from the past if you keep removing everything?
Put them back
It’s the Democrats trying to erase thier own partys history but are at the same time removing history we can learn from
This is ridiculous. These colleges are pandering to these pansy teachers and students and caving in to their idiotic demands. As mentioned here, this is a part of history, regardless of whether everyone thinks it was good or bad. Pretty soon we will be just a blank page.
Hitters goal was to erase certain parts of history too
Then I want every MLK, and Rosa Parks statue, painting or any other reference taken down too, as I deem them as racist! Oh I forgot that only works one fucking way in this country!
What c**p and destroying our history is racist too!!!
and Wilson startred the “progressive” movement, how ironic