Caving in to outcries that they represent the South’s racist past, Greg Fenves, the president of the University of Texas in Austin, announced on Thursday that the statue of Jefferson Davis will be removed from the campus’s Main Mall and moved to the school’s Dolph Briscoe Center for American History.
The statue of Woodrow Wilson was moved as well to “maintain symmetry on the mall.”
See video next page:
Ill take them
Cultural Marxism.
I am sick of all these liberal Progressive Wingnuts Trying to steal the history of our country Who the hell do these people think they are If they don’t like the history of our country maybe they should choose another one And get the hell out
Sounds like Soviet Russia.
Revisionist history of the liberal left.
It’s about WAY PAST DUE to just start openin’ up huntin’ season on these snivelin’ assholes. Set up a national fund and start dolin out bounties. A dime a whine. And you’d still get rich in no time.
F**e news!
Liberalism is destroying America…..Look at how much damage 8 years of Obastard has done to our country….