In a quest to locate as many “evildoers” as possible, Jeb Bush has been making statements that point to a “rougher” and “tougher” plan in regards to surveillance of Americans. Bush spoke of a broader spectrum of surveillance powers, and to have bigger cooperation with the technology community in accomplishing these surveillance plans. Bush speaking in South Carolina, made waves with the Republican Congressional leaders who earlier this year voted to end the bulk collection of phone records by the National Security Agency.
Bush also made reference to the Patriot Act, and how the current regulations need to be “re-visited”. Just how far is the former Governor willing to go with upping the powers the Government has over our privacy?
NSA needs to be abolished
You feds up in my business does not seem to be keeping anyone safer!! You scream lies! Evildoers today mean GOVERNMENT!! They seem to think we believe the lies!! Most of our problems are government caused!! Take your NSA and shove it!!!
Jeb, just retire, you’re not worthy of running this country.
Ben Carson is the 2015 Reagan. Donald Trump is only a caricature. Carson wants to CUT a number of the same programs he and his mother benefited from. Most people KNOW how these programs have become exorbantly BLOATED under Obama’s tutilage to the point they foster a disgusting level of en$#%&!@*lement instead of nurturing a sense of empowerment to help those recieving them to become all they can be. Dr Carson’s own accomplishments PROVE well targeted help can be very fruitful—both for an individual and society as a whole. Excess diminishes-both the individual and the society
NSA does not need broader power. They need to have less power !!!!
You want to see evil doer, look in the mirror.
Jeb Bush Democrat.
Not getting my vote
This guy has no business in our business! He’s just another socialist.
mccain just somthing that dumb , both are dem