Mark Dice has done it again. His latest man on the street reporting segment took place in San Diego, where he backed a fake MSNBC reporter’s call for a “white privilege tax” to redistribute wealth to minority communities.
The best part about this fake legislation is that nobody Dice spoke to seemed to know it was fake. Liberals are so eager to back anything having to do with minorities or racial division, that they’re willing to believe anything, without having facts to back it up.
After talking to people both black and white, a majority of them feel this would be a good idea.
Watch the video on the next page.
All are owned by Democraps ! ? Ever wonder ?
Idiotic ideas such as these are the precise reasons our constitution was written as it exists. We are a constitutional republic and not a knee jerk and childish majority rules democracy.
Maybe all those opposed can keep paying taxes the way it is now, and those in favor get the tax breaks. I’d like to know when the American citizens needs come first instead of the rhetoric to benefit themselves?
Just more idiotcy from the Libtards
Ya right hahaha
Whore of Armageddon
Its true some people have little common sense, but its obvious that the country is being destroyed from the inside out,just as scripted.
What privilege? I am very privileged. Not because I’m white, but because I belong to Jesus..
Such libs are sooo stupid.
How about a stupidity tax,she will definitely be paying lots