Jason Chaffetz thinks federal lawmakers need a massive monthly stipend added to their $174,000 annual salary in order to cover housing. Unsurprisingly, he’s making this call just days before he exits Congress.
The timing is no accident. Politicians tend to speak with more honesty when they’re lame ducks — and they honestly believe that they deserve more money.
Part of the desire for more cash is ego, but part of it makes a bit of sense. Being a member of Congress is expensive, considering that members are expected to live in the state the represent while they work in Washington D.C. This requires either two mortgages or a rental or two just to work. It’s not uncommon to hear about many representatives sleeping in their offices to avoid the added expense their job requires.
But that doesn’t alleviate the fact that Americans are in no mood to hear them ask for more money when they already make so much — particularly while their approval ratings are so low and so many Americans are trying desperately to find good paying work.
Jason Chaffetz is on the way out, though, so he doesn’t mind the optics.
See how much more money he thinks his fellow lawmakers need on the next page:
I think they should be limited to two terms. Then go find another job no benefits . Go to work like everyone else.
All Congress needs is a big pay cut because they don’t do there job. When they get to Washington they forget real quick why the people sent them there. Get to crooked and money hungry.
you are beyond fucking stupid,$#%&!@*to even think that
America its time to put an end to this c**p
There ought to be a clause in order to get a retirement they have to WORK
This is.f**e news. Don’t believe this garbage
See this is what is wrong with the government! You get an enormous amount of money to work 80 days a year. Then VOTE yourselves raises but can’t work for the PEOPLE! I say VOTE them ALL out.
Congress should meet by TELECONFERENCE. No more Washington DC. Each congressperson should have an office in their own district. All business should be conducted by TELECONFERENCE. No more House / Senate office buildings. If Lobbyists want to see these guys they either do it by teleconference, telephone or go to the Congressperson’s office in their district. (Note: “TELECONFERENCE” is Skype, Go To Meeting or anything functionally similar. It can have automatic recording. )