While liberals continue to whine and complain about Donald Trump being elected president and waste mass amounts of money on worthless petitions and recounting votes, Trump isn’t staying idle in his pre-White House motions. Unlike President Obama and his administration, Trump is looking to bring jobs back to America and save an economy that our current administration would have you believe was just fine. After all, anybody can fudge numbers.
Trump, on the other hand, is looking to make a real difference, as demonstrated by his meeting with SoftBank Group Corp. founder and Chief Executive Officer Masayoshi Son, who agreed to invest up to $50 billion dollars in the United States, which includes a plan to create 50,000 new jobs.
While we might never know what went on behind those closed doors, when both men emerged and the cameras started flashing, both looked to be satisifed in one way or another. And what Masayoshi is getting out of this deal is currently unclear, but for right now, Americans should be grateful.
Find out what Trump had to say on the next page.
It is time for the winners to begin to just ignore the losers, and get to the business of making America great again.
Think I will withhold any judgement until we find out what this is going to cost us. They are doing this out of the goodness of their heart. Hope it isn’t like the carrier jobs.
Is that mr.son?? Holy c**p, he’s foxconn!! They’re practically slave drivers. They better not be thinking they can pull there$#%&!@*over here…
Deal was already in place but nice try
The deal, however, is not new. The money will come from a $100 billion joint investment fund that Son established in October using money from partners, including Saudi Arabia’s state-owned investment fund.
SoftBank has invested in the United States in the past, including paying $22 billion in 2013 for a 80 percent share of Sprint. The firm also led a $1 billion investment round last year in San Francisco-based online lender Social Finance.
It had nothing to do with Trump and nothing to do with the election. But once again, Trump is taking credit for something he didn’t do – and his supporters are buying it hook, line, and sinker
see what happens when a real fucking man steps up ???
So what do they get in return??
Lots of That money come from Islamic countries, you know, the ppl
Most of you hate.
Twas the night before the election, and in the Liberal House. Not a creature was working, not even their spouse.
No stockings were hung by the chimney with care, because they were hoping a Hillary Victory would soon be there.
The Hillary voters were nestled all snug in their beds, While continued visions of free cell phones danced in their heads.
And mamma with her free healthcare, and unemployment benefits with no cap, Had just settled down for another free winter’s nap, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, They sprang from their beds to see what was the matter.
Away to the TV they flew like a flash, Flipped on CNN hoping for more free cash. Trump Won, please, say it aint so Hillary didn’t shatter the glass ceiling, oh no, When, what to their wondering eyes should appear, But a sign from Trump, they have to get a job next year, With one election, so inspiring and quick, America took away their Misses Saint Nick.
No more huge taxes for the working and spending pretty much insane, and they began whistling and shouting and calling people names; “Now, Hillary! Now, Obama! Now, Franken and Reid! On, Pelosi! On Feinstein! On, Baucus and Biden! Out of Washington! We’re building a wall! Get the heck out of here, we just fired you all.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas