Japan and the United States may be allied in opposition to North Korea, but the Japanese government is pushing back against the Trump administration’s threatening tone against Kim Jong-Un.
While the US government hasn’t announced any plans to strike North Korea, they have certainly opened the door to such an attack. Prior to Donald Trump’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Trump claimed that China must solve the “North Korea problem.” If they refuse, the President claimed that the United States would solve it without Chinese help.
In fact, the United States would not have any Asian allies at all, according to reports out of Japan. China isn’t the only country seemingly unwilling to strike North Korea’s military bases. Japan and South Korea may also refuse to support an American-led attack.
See how Japan and South Korea would respond to American military aggression on the Korean peninsula on the next page:
Oh really lol. I think your fresh out of kamikaze pilots.
Order one A bomb for tokyo
Broadcast the exact location of the U.S. fleet, interdict it with their ships, fly a CAP over our ships and see if we are willing to shoot down the planes of an ally, invoke treaties since the U.S. action would put Japan at direct risk of attack, close all U.S. bases on the islands and by applying extreme pressure on Congress to rein Trump in. Congress might not want to give up its power to declare war to the White House. Maybe an ad campaign pointing out the bad results of a preemptive strike using film of Pearl Harbor.
I’m not convinced that we should attack N. Korea but there is nothing Japan could do to stop it.
They don’t know the exact location of US fleets unless we tell them. By the time Congress or any ad campaign could have any influence, it will all be over already. Japan needs the US military very much more than we need them! When the time comes, right or wrong, it will be entirely a US decision about how we proceed.
Any country with a satellite in orbit knows where our ships are. At some point the U.S. is going to have to realize it can’t treat its allies like dirt and expect them to take it.
Japan doesn’t have satellites tracking our ships. Finding even something as large as a Carrier Task Force is looking for a “needle in a haystack” in the Pacific. If we wanted to deal with N Korea or anyone else in the South Pacific we wouldn’t need to start off anywhere near Japan. So all they know is our ships are in the “Western Pacific”! That is not actionable intel they could share even if they wanted…
“Americans will never forget Pearl Harbor attack” but now we have people wanting a preemptive nuclear attack on a country without Congressional or U.N. approval. Now after we nuke NK how are we going to deal with the radioactive cloud drifting over South Korea and Japan? What’s the worst that could happen once you make using nuclear weapons acceptable? I hope we have some grown ups working in the Pentagon.
If they ask us forces to leave, they will. We stay there because they pay us to.
did the first mushroom cloud not do the trick?