Japan and the United States may be allied in opposition to North Korea, but the Japanese government is pushing back against the Trump administration’s threatening tone against Kim Jong-Un.
While the US government hasn’t announced any plans to strike North Korea, they have certainly opened the door to such an attack. Prior to Donald Trump’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Trump claimed that China must solve the “North Korea problem.” If they refuse, the President claimed that the United States would solve it without Chinese help.
In fact, the United States would not have any Asian allies at all, according to reports out of Japan. China isn’t the only country seemingly unwilling to strike North Korea’s military bases. Japan and South Korea may also refuse to support an American-led attack.
See how Japan and South Korea would respond to American military aggression on the Korean peninsula on the next page:
Stop us with what?
Question to Japan: How?
Lol this page isn’t known for being very credible. But they could try but all they need to remember is fat man and little boy
It seems you folks thought you could stop us some time back. How did that work out for you
bull might try
You would think that Japan would have learned not to$#%&!@*with the United States after the last time they pissed us off and we bombed them. They are still recovering from that bombing. It could happen again.
Ok with what army and who the$#%&!@*would protect you if you did
Choosing the wrong side seems to be repeating history on the wrong side for Japan.