Japan and the United States may be allied in opposition to North Korea, but the Japanese government is pushing back against the Trump administration’s threatening tone against Kim Jong-Un.
While the US government hasn’t announced any plans to strike North Korea, they have certainly opened the door to such an attack. Prior to Donald Trump’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Trump claimed that China must solve the “North Korea problem.” If they refuse, the President claimed that the United States would solve it without Chinese help.
In fact, the United States would not have any Asian allies at all, according to reports out of Japan. China isn’t the only country seemingly unwilling to strike North Korea’s military bases. Japan and South Korea may also refuse to support an American-led attack.
See how Japan and South Korea would respond to American military aggression on the Korean peninsula on the next page:
F**e news. I don’t see this happening. Since Japan signed the treaty ending ww11. Saying they can not build or have weapons of mass destruction.
Bladimir putin is a assesin, he is a hitman, trained to elimanate people, this fucker obviously sopports another partner like assad, Americans are the ones who deserve to be called people
They would loose a country that is a Trade partner
These guys are just stupid, they can’t even protect themselves!
Bring it on
Maybe Japan needs to be reminded again ohhhh herrooooo
John Hughs, if only it were that easy. Take a look at all the stuff in your house, and see how the vast majority of it is made elsewhere. I hate to sound like a conpiracy theory nut, but the international banking cartels ( I use that word deliberately) control much of commerce. And who owns what is appalling. Did you know some major US ports are owned by the Saudis? Or that there are corporations trying to be the sole providers of clean drinking water? Alot of$#%&!@*goes on behind the scenes that are far more ominous than ISIS.
lol remember the last time you got in our business?
Yeah…. right
Are they still upset over hiroshima??