Hillary Clinton and the Democrats have really stepped in it this time, and not even their most craven followers will be able to cover their misdeeds up.
Of course, I totally understand why one would be skeptical about such a claim. After all, with the FBI letting Hillary get off scot-free after collecting incontrovertible evidence that she willfully and repeatedly broke the law and any number of other scandals that would have ended the political career of anybody else, it’s hard to believe that there is anything that could bring the former Secretary of State down.
That’s because the problem goes much deeper than Hillary: it’s a culture of partisanship within the Democratic Party that allows even its most reckless members to act destructively with impunity. So if there is going to be any accountability, it’s going to have to come from outside the party.
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I am thankful that Trump won the election! I do agree that we need to bind up our wounds and move forward. I still believe that we need to get to the bottom of the Clinton Foundation and Hillary’s emails! Congress needs to immediately serve a subpoena pertaining to all emails, laptops, and cell phones! To prevent Obama and/or the DOJ from Obstructing Justice by destroying evidence! We The People need to have an accounting of what crimes were committed and who was involved! Justice must be served here to set an example! No one is above the law! Trump must follow through on his promises! I hope he remembers, We The People have elected him in good faith! I am not willing to look the other way! Are
you? If we don’t expose the Corruption of Obama and the Clintons, Michelle Obama will be running in the Presidential Election of 2016! I want answers to the Clinton Foundation! Was it really a “pay to play” scheme for enriching the Clintons? To solve the question the emails, laptops, cell phones need to be preserved by the FBI by Congress issuing a subpoena. Was there any Obstruction of Justice and if so, by whom? I want the Truth of Benghazi!
I want to know the truth about whether the Clintons were involve in a child trafficking ring! I want to know why there was so much Media Bias?
My questions are: if no charges are brought to the Clintons until after Trump takes office, can Obama now cover her with a pardon, when no charges have been brought? If it comes to light that Obama is involved in Treason, can we prosecute him? To uncover all this the evidence must be preserved until Trump takes office? Finally…was “Lock Her Up” just a campaign slogan to get himself elected ? Have you heard Gowdy or anyone ask for a subpoena to preserve the evidence. Yes, we need to bind our wounds and move our country! But, we need to kill the infection first! If we don’t force Trump to investigate, seriously, what is to deter this corruption being done again? Have we learned anything here?
I do not like the aggressive pop up ads on this page and so while I approve wholeheartedly of James O’Keefe and Project Veritas, I am going to unfollow this page.
Pray for his safety
He is as good as dead
Prayers with him. Hope he doesn’t end up dead, suicide of coursre, shot in the back.
good this man tried to help us about the little babies being butcher no help was given for the babies
Hillary will have him murdered!!
We pray for his safety. You do or know anything on the Clinton’s you need prayer to stay alive
Better watch his back.
Go with God and let all evil go back to where it came from so that these enemies can come to repent if their evil.