In a strange twist of fate, the director of the FBI is being treated like a criminal for doing his job and trying to uphold the law.
It hasn’t been easy for the bureau during the era of Obama. Facing constant pressure to act and say as the White House demanded, the FBI has found its hands tied in such serious matters as its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails. Instead of being allowed to treat the case as it would any other criminal investigation, the agency was expected to handle it with kiddie gloves lest it interfere with the former Secretary of State’s chances of becoming president.
This culminated in director James Comey declaring that Hillary did indeed break the law but that she would not be charged, sparking outrage across the nation and stoking fear that Hillary would escape justice. Due to new developments this weekend, however, the story could very well end in a way few foresaw.
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They all need to be lock up in jail all the way to the top of the White house they don’t belong in office.
Hillary’s House of Cards is falling down. She’s losing Critical Supporters, and even #NeverTrump Groups are turning to Trump. Obama’s have backed away from Supporting Hillary, even her VP pick has called her out. CNN is letting one of their reporters go because of ‘Collusion’ with the Hillary Camp. They are all running for cover. VOTE on the 8th! YOUR VOTE STILL COUNTS and we need to give Donald J. Trump that huge Landslide!
O bull S
So do your job but choose your timing wisely ? Cry babies need to blame the one being investigate , it’s all her fault not Comey .
Kill the messenger. The only one to blame for all of this is Hillary Clinton. If she were honest, moral and ethical we wouldn’t be at this point in time.
bull$#%&!@*and the poster knows it
Obama knows he will be in those emails and the truth about him will come out