If there’s one thing the liberal media loves more than illogical pot-shots at Donald Trump, it’s scaring people with falsified research about global warming. And it’s not just the media that does, it’s liberals as a whole. Global warming has been used a political tool since Al Gore – who doesn’t exactly have a great track record when it comes to telling the truth (even inconvenient ones) – made a movie about it.
With so many global warming theories floating around the Internet, nobody really knows what to believe. And as scientists like UN IPCC lead author Kevin ‘Travesty’ Trenberth continue to back these crazy theories, despite the fact that they don’t match their own research, lying isn’t exactly out of the question for them.
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Gore can start saving the planet by visiting China.
this person has got to be the joke of all time.
what if all refuse to pay any tax no tax at all u think they may relize who they work for ????
There is no such thing as “global warming.” Somehow this man and many others have made millions of dollars on the concept. Of course he wouldn’t want people to voice skepticism on an unproved theory. Oh, wait — now it’s “climate change.” Duh-huh, climate always changes.
Anyone that makes a profit off global warming should go to jail, follow the money.
Well Al you have lots and lots of money and so do all your well heeled friends that believe this . So I say get your check books our and start writing the Checks. US poor folks don’t have any money.
SELL ALL YOU HAVE and GO Amish AL GORE . Other wise your just a modern day CARPETBAGGER selling worthless Snake Oil!!!
That would be a great place for this guy.
Liar global warming proponents should go to prison first