If there’s one thing the liberal media loves more than illogical pot-shots at Donald Trump, it’s scaring people with falsified research about global warming. And it’s not just the media that does, it’s liberals as a whole. Global warming has been used a political tool since Al Gore – who doesn’t exactly have a great track record when it comes to telling the truth (even inconvenient ones) – made a movie about it.
With so many global warming theories floating around the Internet, nobody really knows what to believe. And as scientists like UN IPCC lead author Kevin ‘Travesty’ Trenberth continue to back these crazy theories, despite the fact that they don’t match their own research, lying isn’t exactly out of the question for them.
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Throw gore in jail for crimes against humanity
Corrupt and insane
Amen to that
Al should be in jail
I am unaware of any public statement from E-Gore in the last 5 years. He made his fortune, got fat, his wife divorced him and he faded into the sunset. He started the movement for spite against oil and coal for their negative campaign over nuclear generation that caused him to lose money on his investment. But the money was so good, people couldn’t give it to him fast enough so the movement continued, now mostly without his participation in a further fraud. The theory originated from his professor he had for his one semester he took (grade was a D). After 10 years that professor concluded his theory was incorrect, Gore then changed it from the genus, to this idiot who doesn’t know what he is talking about. At least Gore’s motives were strictly self enrichment and not politically motivated with control and socialist agendas.
What a wonderful dictator he would have made.
you first
This guy show get that first world idiot award!
They all make me sick. Have ruined our way of life.
I’m with Juan. According to AlGores movie, I should be underwater. He lied. Inciting hysteria with lies. Jail Him.