If there’s one thing the liberal media loves more than illogical pot-shots at Donald Trump, it’s scaring people with falsified research about global warming. And it’s not just the media that does, it’s liberals as a whole. Global warming has been used a political tool since Al Gore – who doesn’t exactly have a great track record when it comes to telling the truth (even inconvenient ones) – made a movie about it.
With so many global warming theories floating around the Internet, nobody really knows what to believe. And as scientists like UN IPCC lead author Kevin ‘Travesty’ Trenberth continue to back these crazy theories, despite the fact that they don’t match their own research, lying isn’t exactly out of the question for them.
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Your an IDIOT AL CORE and a LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arghhh, The man bear pig is back…
How about jail for new world order demons!!
This guy flunked out of Divinity school, thinks that he is smarter than anyone else.
Barrack Hussein “Barry Saetoro” Obama stated on his application to enter the USA when he was about 14 that his religion was ISLAM. Hillary ’12 circulated a photo like his step brother is doing now, Obama dressed in a turban and robes as an adult muslim. He actually appeared before a committee in the middle east after his first inauguration and introduced himself by saying “I am a Muslim”. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for doing that speech which professed innocence to the islamic community for 9/11/01 and blamed the USA’s capitalism. Muslims, he said, built the tallest buildings and made the most technically advanced medicines and machines, if you recall, which are all blatant lies. He also said other things downgrading any religion other than Islam for leading the world order. He disclaims his Christian past in Chicago with Reverend Wright, presumably just having attended to become elected Senator as he never attends Church since. The lame stream media denies he ever was a muslim, although he still admits it in other countries or even here in Freudian Slips, as with Voter Registration ID. He directly lied twice during his Oath of Office, then indirectly by vowing that he would uphold the Constitution of the United States (which he repeated 21 times before re-election) and follow the will of the people. He is the first president to be selective in which portions of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and other laws are enforced according to race and religion, which is against the law if his AG would press charges. He has involved the Muslim Brotherhood in all levels of his administration, and of which his step-brother heads up for the entire African continent. They took over Egypt and turned a Democracy into a Theocracy, unbeknownst to the Egyptian citizens which caused a coup to oust Morsi which we should emulate.. POTUS’s freeing of 5 Guantamo Bay Jihadists for Traitor/Deserter Bergdahl (for whom 6 US soldiers were killed in their search for him) and who formed POTUS’s “JV TEAM ISIS”, his arming ISIS with all the weapons and machines US taxpayers supplied to the Democratic Iraq, which he REFUSED TO DEFEND to the tune of $1 Trillion US Dollars in National Debt, his attendance of only 40% of security briefings (the other 60% of which were replaced with golf rounds) resulting in delays for bombing runs of “Just a JV Army” and “only 30% completed” cancellations of ISIS bombings, his denial to arm or assist the Kurds (whose young women must join their army) or the King of Jordan from just using our drones which POTUS already gave to Iran, his freeing over 33,000 convicted foreign felons captive in the US who murder/rape/rob our innocent (Kate among a myriad of others), his degrading the public image/welfare of the military so 1 soldier/veteran commits suicide each and every hour of every day, his arming of weapons to mexican drug cartels which shot and killed at least one US border guard (Fast and Furious), his refusal to build a wall (“There’s a moat at the border”), his signing on to nuclear arming of Iran then by directed senate filibuster and veto of the restraining bill, his refusal to list the around dozen of islamic youth terror training camps already in the USA as terror sites to the State Dept or FBI. His forcing maximum pollution/water control measures to Farmers and Ranchers through extremely stringent new EPA regulations which are also needlessly closing coal driven plants and factories, none of which belittles his mandate of Common Core to force kids to proclaim in voice and writing in school that alla is the one and only true god. By inviting the islamic Hoax Bomber to the White House, he is supporting Islamic Jihad IN THE USA.. He is admitting that the little moslum (son of an islamic activist) Texas briefcase bomber “could be my own son”..(Other children, not islamic, not black, are suspended from school for eating a sandwich into the outline shape of a gun.) He is using the First Amendment of the Constitution to freely degrade and eliminate Christianity from Federal and State governments and schools, yet to also expediently distribute and circulate the cult of Islamo-Fascism and cram it down our kids’ throats. He has just passed a law allowing his government to perform mind-bending experiments on US citizens. Remember last year when his newly required cameras in News Rooms were removed? Not any longer. They will keep track of everything anyone says or does to influence the news. (And to ensure “harmless” illegal aliens taking our jobs,and ” innocent” Lesbo/Gay-Nazis getting us fired if we mention God in the workplace get plenty of positive air time too.) He is a megalomaniacal narcissistic traitor, the type of which has never been seen in american politics before..Stalin and Castro never even had it THIS EASY. Whatever happened to the Land of Opportunity, One Nation Under God, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave?
Over 500,000,000 made on this big lie,right Al?
Science is NEVER settled. It is an ongoing voyage of discovery. The universe has been changing since inception.
Bring it on you commie
Sure Al and the nut house for you.