Jade Helm has begun. Just 2 days earlier we saw the continuation of military equipment being moved around the country – now with rather odd hardware. It is some sort of armored vehicle we hope one of our readers can identify.
This video also shows a lot of digging equipment being transported.
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@[100000645192280:2048:Peter Koutris]
Looks like re – furbished Hummer , but still not mine proof . They were sitting ducks in Afghanistan and Irak. Doubt whether any lessons were learnt in those 2 wars. South Africa had anti – landmine vehicles in 1980 . We had to , Terrorists used to put one anti – tank mine on top of another. Tops of those vehicles were open otherwise you break your collar bones when strapped in.
WTh ?
Some generals pimp ride.
I quite following DAHBOO777 months ago because of constant contradictions and lack of knowledge on what the hell is going on with absolutely anything.
I quite following DAHBOO777 months ago because of his persistent contradictions and lack of knowledge on what the hell is going on with absolutely anything.
Our tax dollars at work against us…………
I am searching to find a nomenclature but so far…nothing. Could be a test of a concept vehicle also.
Considering the whole idea of the Jade Helm exercise is to embed SF within civilian populations so they blend in, I doubt they’d be using this useless and clearly non-tactical vehicle with a U.S. Army sticker on it for anything that requires not blowing your f*ing cover.
The digging equipment is probably for the many graves the expect to be digging when the SHTF!!