Jade Helm has begun. Just 2 days earlier we saw the continuation of military equipment being moved around the country – now with rather odd hardware. It is some sort of armored vehicle we hope one of our readers can identify.
This video also shows a lot of digging equipment being transported.
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To me, this vehicle looks like something from a movie set vice actual military hardware. Notice the headlights? The commercial mirrors and door handles and the rear doors don’t look very functional for a military operation. The camo pattern is screwed up too. In doing research i did not find it anywhere, so it is a custom job.
i got family members in the Military and i just try to get my mind off of all these bad things that happen… sorry
Look in the background. Vintage beetle on a trailer? Add to that the fact that that vehicle would be completely impractical for any sort of combat… Looks like an exhibition piece headed for a car show.
and i asked my dad what mongoloid means he said it can mean someone has down syndrome…
Sharing with your question attached!
Tax payers money is being put to “good” use i see..
To see more on this Bravo vehicle go to https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fed_bravo_2012_sae_world_congress.jpg .
connor Wilcox they aint going to bases its something al right and its the shut down of the south then the movement and take over of the rest of the country
Not digging equipment. Fork lift. Nice try though. Also not a tank. M109A6 Paladin 155mm self propelled howitzer and FDC track. Kansas has an artillery base. So that probably why they are there. tin foil hat wearing idiots.
I want it