Jade Helm has begun. Just 2 days earlier we saw the continuation of military equipment being moved around the country – now with rather odd hardware. It is some sort of armored vehicle we hope one of our readers can identify.
This video also shows a lot of digging equipment being transported.
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He wants martial law no elections and we will have a new king
Obama’s salavating at the thought of putting true Christians in concentration camps and leading his Muslim brothers in their caliphate.
I won’t miss a shot!
@[100006734682608:2048:Cindy Thompson]
UN vehicles disguised as ‘the future of urban $#%&!@*ault’ as a ‘recruiting’ tool? Seems dubious, since the exercises are closed to the press…..if they were for ‘recruiting and morale’, then why would you have them in a closed simulation? Hhhmmm.
It was ghost pepper sauce
Sweet station wagon!
I’m as conservative as they come but I seriously can’t believe how many crackpots are buying into this
It is some pretty cool stuff being moved around Ray…. even you might be jealous…
Looks fast