Jade Helm has begun. Just 2 days earlier we saw the continuation of military equipment being moved around the country – now with rather odd hardware. It is some sort of armored vehicle we hope one of our readers can identify.
This video also shows a lot of digging equipment being transported.
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I can neither confirm or deny the existence of lizard people but the alleged sightings do seem to coincide with the alleged chemtrail paths.
Lol @humv. Try again….
Forklifts are diggers now?
We build those vehicles here in Michigan. We have general dynamics, sigmatech, us army tank command center, navastar etc. We see that stuff all the time.
..no it isn’t.
I would estimate that 75-85% of the military is pro-2nd amendment. We would never obey orders to confiscate weapons from US citizens.
You have nothing to worry about.
Hey Obamma gave a bunch of these to the muzzies !
I hope your right. I am worried. But u have to admit there is much more going on than a training exercise.
That’s a JLTV in the thumbnail.
MFW Jade Helm is military takeover
Ooops my bad,