Jade Helm has begun. Just 2 days earlier we saw the continuation of military equipment being moved around the country – now with rather odd hardware. It is some sort of armored vehicle we hope one of our readers can identify.
This video also shows a lot of digging equipment being transported.
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Pretty… For our new gay, transgender, “somebody hurt my feelings”, WORLD POLICE….
Just an exercise, not a takeover. Why in the hell he wants to take over?
Just an exercise. Don’t be fooled by the idiots.
Armor recon vehicle,and also used for staff,also for riot control.
I don’t think it’s a US vehicle might be Chinese
Nothing a few molotov $#%&!@*tails can’t take care of. Hehe
If you think a boom forklift (aka a lull) is for digging, you are clueless.
NEW UN vehicles?
@[100004012225620:2048:Derek Ross] you getting any good video of these events?