Jade Helm has begun. Just 2 days earlier we saw the continuation of military equipment being moved around the country – now with rather odd hardware. It is some sort of armored vehicle we hope one of our readers can identify.
This video also shows a lot of digging equipment being transported.
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To everyone who has “liked” this post, thank you. I don’t trust anything about Obama or hid administration. I fear that we as Americans may have to fight the domestic enemy for our very existence. I further fear that we may have to face some of our own if it comes to that. I sincerely hope not but if it comes to that, I stand in spirit with the revolutionary patriot Nathan Hale, “I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”
The UN has no authority here. The treaties Otraitor signed have not been ratified. This corrupt treasonous regime is the enemy and must removed if there is any hostile action against U S citizens
That looks so cool
Just trying to blend in with the community.
Where I live, at least once a week for the past month I have been seeing mile long lines of military vehicles on the interstate. Also one day I was pumping gas, about 25 military vehicles came in and by the time I was done they were all over the place….it looked like a scene from a movie. It concerns me that all the sudden the military presence around here is thickening.
That vehicle is the Army’s latest attempt at a Hotwheels design. They are testing to see if going through loop to loops gives us a combat advantage.
Looks like an M-5150 Low Rider Urban $#%&!@*ualt Vehicle
That’s the Army’s latest Hotwheels vehicle. They are testing to see if loop to loops give us a combat advantage.
John T. how can I repost your photo? It’s what is in my heart too as a Vet.”69 to’73 U.S.N. !