The unprecedented movement of military equipment across the country continues with a massive convoy recently spotted heading into Salt Lake City, Utah.
As you might know, Utah has been declared ‘hostile’ within the Jade Helm military exercise that is getting underway on July 15th.
This train contains a great variety of equipment, but it’s worth mentioning that there seems to be a lot of APU’s, or Auxiliary Power Units. Are they anticipating losing the grid?
Nah the U.S. Is just selling them off to other countries
If i was in the military today i couldnt follow ANY ORDER to fire on the American people. We swore an oath to protect the people and the Cons$#%&!@*ution not a corrupt president and administration
just training huh ? to many military vehicles to be , look at the seven states & the three considered hostile
Salt Lake is not hostile. The government is.
Watch out America the Obama people hate this country and wants to control you all
It is time for America to wake up! UN forces are in place to deal with “m$#%&!@* casualties”, FEMA has built several “shopping centers” in the states to be invaded that are actually “reindoctrination centers”. If any state resist, it will give Obama the ideal reason to declare martial law and become our dictator in chief. Today racist activist entered Texas to stir up racial violence in prep for the invasion and hopefully trigger racial unrest in the area. Texas and the 8 other states being invaded are the states that have refused to recognize several of Obama’s executive actions and some Supreme Court rulings, This is just the beginning. Our military is made up of many foreigners and illegals today, not just US citizens. Do not expect the military to unit behind the people. There are also many Muslims in ranking positions that will support Obama. And do not rule out the Radical Muslims who have sneaked into the country and are known to be in all 50 states as reported by the FBI. The actual number of these Jihadist is not known, but you can bet there are a good number with at least two of their training camps just across the border in Mexico. The stage is set for the fall of this country under martial law and making Obama in control of laws, and all governing authority.
That train full of military equipment is headed for Dugway Proving Grounds, Utah so that our Armed Forces can hone their skills in Combined Arms Training for desert offensive and defensive warfire in live-fire exercises. The Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines all participate in COMBINED ARMS TEAM operations. They do it regularly, almost every year, budget permitting, to keep their skills sharp and avoid killing our own troops.
There are military installations there. Hmmm
@[100000523286854:2048:Keith Barger] @[100000796911165:2048:April York]
Because our government and media are not telling us anything…