In Germany to attend an international conference on empowering women, first daughter Ivanka Trump raised the possibility of admitting more Syrian refugees to the United States.
Acting in her unpaid role as a special assistant to President Donald Trump, Ivanka said that bringing in at least Syrian children should be “part of the discussion.”
News media immediately tried to portray the comments as being at odds with President Trump’s previous positions on Syrian refugees. Find out more about what Ivanka said and the context in which it was offered on the next page.
That’s the one thing that would turn me off…
I do not agree as children as youmg as two are being radicalized.
I like her, but seriously she needs to stop. Listen to your Dad, Ivanka… we need to fix our own country before we extend invitations to others to come here.
MOST All Muslims want to make it a Muslim country. They are not fleeing their country for a better place, They want to make the world a Muslim world. Islam is not a religion but a political construct and an Ideology of conquest, murder and moral depravity that is abhorrent to western sensibilities. Mohammad commands all muslims to murder all infidels (non-believers), Islam is Islamic Jihad Apartheid Terrorism against women, children and non-muslim. Liberty and Islam cannot coexist. Women’s rights and Islam cannot coexist. Human rights and Islam cannot coexist. Critical Thinking and Islam cannot coexist. Islam cannot coexist with any person, place, thing, idea or quality of man. The future and Islam cannot coexist. It is said, that Islam is Islam, there are no modifiers. In plain language, there is no such thing as RADICAL or MODERATE Islam. Mohammad command ALL Muslim to participate in jihad. Therefore most all Muslims are jihadist. They condone jihad, finance jihad, teach jihad, defend jihad or commit violent acts of jihad terrorism. But most all Muslims support jihad one way or another. Therefore MOST All muslims are Islamic Jihadist Muslim Terrorists. Over 1400 years Muslims have murdered 320,000,000 innocent people and destroyed heritage and destroyed culture in the name of Islam.
I don’t believe it.
Flaming liberal Ivanka.
Yea bring in the children only and create a reeducation program. Instill in them Christianity and a love for America .
To hell and back with that idea.
Islam is NOT COMPATIBLE with American life. Screw them all.
No more muzzies! And, their sharia law ideas. Never!!!