In Germany to attend an international conference on empowering women, first daughter Ivanka Trump raised the possibility of admitting more Syrian refugees to the United States.
Acting in her unpaid role as a special assistant to President Donald Trump, Ivanka said that bringing in at least Syrian children should be “part of the discussion.”
News media immediately tried to portray the comments as being at odds with President Trump’s previous positions on Syrian refugees. Find out more about what Ivanka said and the context in which it was offered on the next page.
I cant understand why America gets involved with these crazy Muslim countries ? I mean that they complain about everything, and makw everyone around them as miserable as they are. They blow up and kill their own people, then expect us to come over there and take care of them after they fucked up there cities.It amazws me that Stupid Americans feel sorry for people who just want to come to America, kill you, take everything you own, make your daughters slaves and young wives, kill your sons, and have no remorsw for what they have done. You American Liberals are such idiots if this is what you want to see happen to “YOUR” country.
sorry – no way
Send them next door, Saudi Arabia! They’ve got room, tents and money to house them!
There are somethings she should not be talking about unless she has plans to spend her millions to protect U.S. from them.
Ivanka “open” to idea of more Syrian refugees…
Only Christian or Jewish refugees who believe in Jesus and/or God Almighty, with families, vetted, and pledge oath to USA laws. They must be willing to work and have a trade or employable skills. Absolutely NO MORE adult male MUSLIMS who rob, rape and kill!
Ivanka, NO.
TOTAL F**E NEWS, any one who believs the BS is an IDIOT and there are a lot on the web…
but not muslims
Not On My Watch !!!!!!! ENOUGH !!!!
America First !!!!!! WTF !!!!!
Christians ONLY!