It’s there for anyone to see who wishes to see. It’s the result of uncontrolled immigration. It’s the destruction of your culture. And fanatics such as Obama, Soros, Merkel, and many others have actively promoted it. Follow their lead, and you will wind up in the same tragic situation as the people of Rome.
It’s an unpleasant fact that a significant portion of Muslim immigrants have no intention of integrating into their new cultures. In fact, it’s common to see them establishing Muslim communities that show no respect for the laws and cultures of of their new home countries. Instead, they insist that those countries modify existing laws and traditions to conform to their particular view of Islam.
Germany is being torn apart by this sort of thing. And now the Italians in Rome are beginning to sense that they are becoming strangers in their own country. More on page two.
This is America now and those who have the power to stop it legally ….do nothing. Which is going to lead to blood shed. Then U.N. steps in and we become one world nation…this is a c**p shoot which is going to turn into shooting c**p….sorry for the nasty words…c.
About time people take up arms. Save your countries. Stop the globalists now. Your heritage us at stake. Germany opened the floodgates and now you only have one choice
It will end very badly for Europe, so scary and sad.
It’s gonna get ugly folks.
This should be spread far and wide. This is what the Dumps want for the American people. The Pope is after us so we will take the muslims out of Italy. What a hypocrite.
Hmmm? Anyone else see the plan unfolding. The RCC created Islam and now they are turning on their creators. The stage is being set for the destruction of Mystery Babylon and Babylon proper.
I am so sorry for Italy. I hope their citizens fight for their country and take it back. DEPORT THE MUSLIMS. THEY ARE EVIL. Praying for you, Italian friends!!! I would never come to visit with all of those muslims.
Italians take back your beautiful Italy. Ship them all back. The sooner the better for Italy.
Start with your p-or!!!
America better wake up before this happens here.