It’s there for anyone to see who wishes to see. It’s the result of uncontrolled immigration. It’s the destruction of your culture. And fanatics such as Obama, Soros, Merkel, and many others have actively promoted it. Follow their lead, and you will wind up in the same tragic situation as the people of Rome.
It’s an unpleasant fact that a significant portion of Muslim immigrants have no intention of integrating into their new cultures. In fact, it’s common to see them establishing Muslim communities that show no respect for the laws and cultures of of their new home countries. Instead, they insist that those countries modify existing laws and traditions to conform to their particular view of Islam.
Germany is being torn apart by this sort of thing. And now the Italians in Rome are beginning to sense that they are becoming strangers in their own country. More on page two.
So many LIB americans are trying to get this here as hard as they can. I just don’t get it,
It’s called Stockholm Syndrome!!! Sympathizing with the Devil!!!
Of course it is n trump is doing everything he can to protect us n your children. GOD BLESS TRUMP!
And we have stupid protesters at JFK Airport
Mafia will take care of this!
The muslims know it won’t be a cake walk here in the U.S. That’s why Obama and his crew were so hell bent on our losing our gun rights
I wish all liberals would see this message and understand why uncontrolled immigration is bad for everyone including the immigrants. What is so hard to understand about legal immigration? No other country allows you to just walk in. Not even Canada to our north. It just doesn’t make any kind of sense.
When it’s like that here then maybe America will finally wake up.
Read, now do you get it liberal Americans???
Pay attention America this is in our country right now