It’s there for anyone to see who wishes to see. It’s the result of uncontrolled immigration. It’s the destruction of your culture. And fanatics such as Obama, Soros, Merkel, and many others have actively promoted it. Follow their lead, and you will wind up in the same tragic situation as the people of Rome.
It’s an unpleasant fact that a significant portion of Muslim immigrants have no intention of integrating into their new cultures. In fact, it’s common to see them establishing Muslim communities that show no respect for the laws and cultures of of their new home countries. Instead, they insist that those countries modify existing laws and traditions to conform to their particular view of Islam.
Germany is being torn apart by this sort of thing. And now the Italians in Rome are beginning to sense that they are becoming strangers in their own country. More on page two.
This needs to stop aroung the world, send them all back to the middle east. Jim R.
put the Sicilians in charge and this problem will be solved in about fifteen minutes
Spreading like cancer ,only one way to get rid of it,termination, are we as a nation willing to accept this fact? The left minded just don’t get it. You don’t have to be a profit to see these things happening. A religious war is on the horizon , if you don’t believe it you are not paying attention to the world crisis all around us.Donald Trump is right to call out the media, one false report could start a race or religious catastrophic event .
And were supposed to want them here? We’re supposed to pity them? Welcome them with open arms? Just give them everything we have to work for every day? Why? Why should we do that? The liberals are insane and they think we are too! NOT!
It’s already here every where in the. Us. So$#%&!@*an cry all ya want but if we don’t stand up now we’re a done deal….To many cupcakes that keep giving in to this$#%&!@*in the USA that jus a matter of time…Trump
Protesters who are furious that Donald Trump wants to deport 3 million immigrants but silent as President Obama has actually done it. “Let that sink in, President Obama has deported more immigrants than every President of the 20th century combined.
I can see why they think massacre is the answer. If you have an ant problem you don’t try to relocate do you? If you do nothing you’ll soon be overwhelmed with ants and life becomes intolerable.
This is what happens anf it’s too late after they are here !
Unfortunately the Muslims will take over the European countries because the citizens of those countries are not fighting to save their countries. If America doesn’t start laying down the laws to stop the Muslim take over and the American citizens don’t get their heads out of their asses they will take over the united states of America, just like the European countries.
God bless you all