It’s there for anyone to see who wishes to see. It’s the result of uncontrolled immigration. It’s the destruction of your culture. And fanatics such as Obama, Soros, Merkel, and many others have actively promoted it. Follow their lead, and you will wind up in the same tragic situation as the people of Rome.
It’s an unpleasant fact that a significant portion of Muslim immigrants have no intention of integrating into their new cultures. In fact, it’s common to see them establishing Muslim communities that show no respect for the laws and cultures of of their new home countries. Instead, they insist that those countries modify existing laws and traditions to conform to their particular view of Islam.
Germany is being torn apart by this sort of thing. And now the Italians in Rome are beginning to sense that they are becoming strangers in their own country. More on page two.
you invited the devil in
The elites want the Muslims to take over the world. They are using them to control the masses with their Sharia law. It won’t happen in the US without a fight.
This is what liberal demorats want to do to America. Obama got a good start with this bull$#%&!@*Keep them all the$#%&!@*out.
Wow another country being taken over! America wake up!
Every country that they have invaded need to stand up and take back Their country. Stand up for their citizens. Drive them back to the Middle East
Im quite sure if one were to travel europe, and ask the citizens of all European union countries these questions, most all people would have these same answers. The citizens don’t want them, it’s the elitists globalists and the traitors in the European Union that are pushing these scumbags into their countries. it’s long overdue time for these people to go back to the hell holes they came from. they’re not welcome, send them back by force.
Europe Once Again is the front line in a World War.
Islam is not a religion of peace. The Quran explicitly states this. They are still killing each other over an ideological feud that’s a thousand years old. They. Do. Not. Want. Peace.
Yes killem all
Anyssa Langston Daniel Langston