As the cauldron of instability that is Syria broils over, it appears that Israel and Russia, in spite of their efforts to avoid conflict, might end up in confrontation with each other after all. The Israelis have long targeted Hezbollah forces fighting in and near Syria on behalf of Bashar al-Assad, a key Russian ally, but has been reluctant to target them in areas where the Russians are now operating since their entry into the Syrian conflict in September.
On Sunday, however, the Syrian government claimed that Israeli aircraft flew into it’s airspace and destroyed Hezbollah units in the Qalamoun Mountains, an area where Russian forces are active. Continued incidents like this will raise the possibility of a final reckoning between the Israelis and Russia and it’s regional proxies.
To see how an Israeli-Russian confrontation might unfold, go to the next page:
Behind the scenes, I bet there I’d cooperation.
We already did
Putin should be made to face the consequences of his actions in Syria.
He is biting more than he can chew.
Your a joke…when they come and invade your country… Don’t cross the boarder.. You did it to yourselves..
They already invaded yours
and remember we sent you packing and burnt the white house.. Lol.. What do they teach you people over there… Propaganda USA … Lmao Michael shh.. You remember if you need to cross the boarder for help.., Yes we’re the nicest people you’ll ever meet.. But go ahead we’re up for your challenge if you better come correct… The True North Strong And Free…..,Lol
Don’t mock my boys… I feel sorry for your soldiers…they pay the price…¬if_t=share_comment#!/OccupyDemocrats/photos/a.347907068635687.81180.346937065399354/991344744291913/?type=3&source=48&refid=28&_ft_=qid.6213499019791646119%3Amf_story_key.-3425486192015429799&__tn__=E