As the cauldron of instability that is Syria broils over, it appears that Israel and Russia, in spite of their efforts to avoid conflict, might end up in confrontation with each other after all. The Israelis have long targeted Hezbollah forces fighting in and near Syria on behalf of Bashar al-Assad, a key Russian ally, but has been reluctant to target them in areas where the Russians are now operating since their entry into the Syrian conflict in September.
On Sunday, however, the Syrian government claimed that Israeli aircraft flew into it’s airspace and destroyed Hezbollah units in the Qalamoun Mountains, an area where Russian forces are active. Continued incidents like this will raise the possibility of a final reckoning between the Israelis and Russia and it’s regional proxies.
To see how an Israeli-Russian confrontation might unfold, go to the next page:
Yes… So get the hell out of their country… America declared war on the Middle East … Your agenda not theirs…
You should move there or Russia
Keep sucking that maple syrup
Canadian people
America hasn’t declared war at all since WW2 actually..
Ok keep telling yourself that… Lol
She loves her Muslims so death to all Americans can’t believe she is showing her face Muslims will beat you for that right after they rape you
Elsa man so loves her Muslims and hates America
Elsa make sense , and yes send Muslims back but make sure you send their oil and money too and clean the mess yall did in Iraq.
Amer…we have a new Prime Minister now…he already said he would pull out troops out of this fight…your fight
You see Harper followed Obama..
Not anymore… We’re going back to more peace keeping missions…not following the warmongers that you guys are… Iraq .. Lol..Bush the liar… Your country feeds you lies and you go along with it.. They’re war criminals.. That’s why you see yourself in these predicaments…you pay back what you owe.. Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan..