While the left likes to harp on about how the Trump campaign was supposedly full of racists and misogynists and supported by thousands more, they would be wise to clean up their own house before they criticize others.
As has been the case for the past year, every unfortunate incident that could be traced in even the remotest way back to Trump supporters resulted in liberals demanding that the Donald immediately and unequivocally disavow them even when there was zero evidence that he condoned their actions in the first place. And even when he did just that, they mewled that it wasn’t enough and that he was still ultimately responsible for whatever indignity was committed.
Interestingly, this standard doesn’t apply at all to progressives, who believe that acts of violence proven to be driven by hatred of Trump have absolutely nothing to do with them.
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Shoot, ask questions later. Border patrol needs help
Drug cartels are an organization the majority of them are poor the rich ones are the leader not to kids with guns. Just Google where I am from if you don’t believe me Google Nuevo Progreso Tamps all your people come down here for fun they never get hurt or killed.
Hope they all get shot.
Quen McDonald Nice picture P40 war hawk…..
If they do bury them with a pig in their graves
Boy you are in denial
Hunting season open that day too!
Not only are they crossing borders illegally, but are doing illegal acts, and you want sympathy for them? And then they join up with a bunch of terrorists? And expect sympathy? Boy are you some special kind of stupid or what?
Rigoberto Perez