Students at Durham University in England were shocked to find booklets advocating Islamic terrorism being handed out during “Discover Islam Week” in March, just days before the Westminster terrorist attack.
The Durham University Islamic Society (DUISOC) expressed its apologies and regret passing out the banned writings of Dr. Zakir Naik, an Indian Islamic preacher barred entry to the United Kingdom and Canada because of his radical views.
Naik supported Osama Bin Laden, sanctions killing homosexuals, beating women and encourages terrorism against non-believers.
Learn more about Naik’s radical views and how appalled students were to find his material on display outside the university library. Details are on the next page.
The liberal lefts want them here, even judges go against Trump’s ban.
They’re discovering that Muslims and Islam are advocating terrorism after all
Ban Islam laws from the soil of The United States of America… Deport these persons teaching this out of the U.S.A.. Freedom of speech does not mean putting American Citizens in danger… Call your Congress – Muslin or not, deport all these persons before more Americans get hurt or killed.. Wake up America….. God Bless America…
and then evey muslim should not live in this xountry
There you go perfect reason to send then all away and NOT take any more in
And this way all muslims need to be deported
Then ever Muslim will be a dead terrorist.
Why are we always on the defensive?? Time to change direction and go on offense.
A radical Muslim wants to cut your head off…..while a moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to cut your head off…..A MUSLIM IS A MUSLIM.
And every muslim is a terrorist. Duh! Some of us knew it all along, some are just realizing this. But here it is, from the inbred’s mouth.