Students at Durham University in England were shocked to find booklets advocating Islamic terrorism being handed out during “Discover Islam Week” in March, just days before the Westminster terrorist attack.
The Durham University Islamic Society (DUISOC) expressed its apologies and regret passing out the banned writings of Dr. Zakir Naik, an Indian Islamic preacher barred entry to the United Kingdom and Canada because of his radical views.
Naik supported Osama Bin Laden, sanctions killing homosexuals, beating women and encourages terrorism against non-believers.
Learn more about Naik’s radical views and how appalled students were to find his material on display outside the university library. Details are on the next page.
Looks eerily like obma ….just saying
I’m sorry but with all the taxes we pay they need to start picking airplanes up and tell use people to denounce you’re gone and eat bacon and if you can’t or put me on airplane and when dropping you off in your own country
Everyone should get one of those booklets to use in the bathroom if you run out of toilet paper
with all the garbage these muslims bring to the usa why let them in at all?
Asshole, get th$#%&!@*out
Deport all muslims
Im starting to think that everyone with a big bushy beard needs to be sent to Gitmo. Have you ever stood in line at a store alongside these disgusting immigrants. They stink so bad of body odor and rotten food and nasty$#%&!@*that it almost takes your breath. The beards look all greasy and dirty and they try to use some kind of sickening cologne to cover it up. It’s awful. Do they have an ideology aversion to soap and water?
When are the young muslims going to see that NONE of those preaching this are doing it themselves?? Your elders are chicken dung!! if its so great to die for your allah why don’t they ddo it??
Deport them all
Every terrorist and supporter of same should be killed!