Students at Durham University in England were shocked to find booklets advocating Islamic terrorism being handed out during “Discover Islam Week” in March, just days before the Westminster terrorist attack.
The Durham University Islamic Society (DUISOC) expressed its apologies and regret passing out the banned writings of Dr. Zakir Naik, an Indian Islamic preacher barred entry to the United Kingdom and Canada because of his radical views.
Naik supported Osama Bin Laden, sanctions killing homosexuals, beating women and encourages terrorism against non-believers.
Learn more about Naik’s radical views and how appalled students were to find his material on display outside the university library. Details are on the next page.
You mean they are not terrorists?
The simple fact is that the larger group of ‘moderate’ Muslims are considered Apostates in the view of those who truly comprehend the Muslim faith. They will not be invited by Allah to Paradise, and the Faithful, what everyone labels ‘radical’ know this and leave them to their folly, as their Paradise will be free of such pariahs.
There are 110 verses in the Qu’ran that spell out how to deal with ‘Infidels’, none of which could be even remotely described as peaceful.
Bear in mind that more Muslims have been killed by Muslims simply because while they share a common Faith, they do NOT share a common understanding of that faith.
The same could be said of Mormons, we have those who are less ‘faithful’ the author of this apologetic article might describe as ‘Jack’ Mormons, the difference being that our Holy Book does not require us to kill those who are less faithful in their adherence to our faith. It is for this simplistic but erroneous reason the author feels some sense of identity with Apostate Muslims.
In fact, should ANY Muslim begin to truly embrace their Faith, they have NO choice but to ‘BECOME’ ‘radicalized’ when in fact they should have been ‘radical’ all along.
We are just beginning to hear more and more about ‘home grown’, radicalized Muslims that supposedly came out of ‘no where’… I would submit they have been there all along, and our own anthromorphizing as this author has kept a segment of society blind to the risks… the analogy of a bowl of M&Ms with only a dozen of them poisonous is only slightly in error: the number of poisoned M&Ms subtly increases.
Open season, no limit, Trophy beards!
They are predominantly terrorists
I’m not gonna stick around one long enough to tell the difference. Deuces!
Have you read the Bible and the Koran Sue Lawson-Buffa? Because if you have you would not say : ” folks who follow the Koran can not mess with any other governments “is just fundamentally and factually incorrect. There are millions of peaceful Muslims in Indonesia,,and the US. Millions. You are putting the action of a few to condemn a whole group of people.
You have read the Bible. It is just as violent as the Koran. Because they come from the same family tree.
Now, I will say I am not a Muslim or for that matter ,part of any organized religion. I find repression counter productive. I could just as easily say anyone who follows the Bible can’t mesh with any other government. And factually I would be correct.
Well then, if that’s the case, every Muslim should be immediately deported.
Rule 1. Never trust a muslim! Rule 2. Deport all muslims!
Bring it on you radical sand monkeys
Yea, then we can have “Open Season” I love the idea! Come and get some!