Islamic School Loses Government Funding for Carrying Pro-Rape, Domestic Violence Books

Back in 1993, author Toni Morrison won the Pulitzer Prize for Literature for a book entitled, “Beloved,” which was originally published back in 1988, and for which a film of the same name was made, starring Oprah Winfrey and Danny Glover.  The book ran into a bit of controversy back a couple of years ago when a high school in Alabama which had put the book on its reading list (among many, apparently) was being questioned by parents because of its content including a passage on a rape.  The thing about this reading list was that it was dominated by controversial books that included views on bestiality, gay sex, and rape.

That was reprehensible to many parents whose children they felt were not getting a well-rounded education, but rather a contrived Leftist indoctrination into a world of debauchery and sinful acts.  After all, that is what the Liberal platform is about:  exposing children to questionable doctrines early on so that later, this outrageous ideology is viewed by them as acceptable and normal.

Liberals who stand on those beliefs may be happy to know that another victim group for which they rally on a daily basis…Muslims…are also being caught in a crossfire of doctrine between the government and Islamic religious ideology.  A school in Birmingham, England that is noted as the very first Islamic studies school in the country to have been funded by the government has been taken over by English education officials because of information that was found on the premises.

England’s first state-funded Muslim secondary schools – that segregated boys and girls and had books promoting domestic violence and marital rape – is to be taken over by the Government.

The Al-Hijrah School in Birmingham, which became state-funded in 2001, was put into special measures last summer after the pro-rape texts were found in the institution’s library and a child died from an allergic reaction.

In a report published in May, the inspector Ofsted also identified bullying, said the playground was chaotic, teaching was poor, pupils were not safe and some staff did not know what to do in medical emergencies. The school was given an “inadequate” judgment, the lowest ranking.

While it’s not really gone into, the incident with the child dying from an “allergic reaction” sounds strange.  If a kid gets a bee-sting while on recess, that child could die from that sting if immediate care is not found.  In fact, some can die within minutes even when immediate care is administered.  That really shouldn’t enter into this argument.  It’s already bad enough that pro-marital rape and domestic violence against women literature was found on the premises and was apparently part of the curriculum.  Finding more reasons to end funding is really a practice in redundancy.

The damning report also criticised the school’s policy of segregating boys and girls, sparking a lengthy legal battle, which is still ongoing. The school attempted to suppress the report’s findings with funding from Birmingham city council.

The appeal court judges were asked last week to make a definitive ruling in the case. If Ofsted wins, up to 20 faith schools that teach boys and girls separately will be reinspected and may have to change their arrangements.

According to The Times, Amanda Spielman, chief inspector at Ofsted, has now said the school is to be taken over by an independent academy trust on the orders of the Department of Education.

“I am deeply concerned about the idea that total segregation of children within a mixed school is acceptable”, she told the paper.

“Segregating boys and girls in a mixed school feels as though it is depriving both boys and girls of a big part of the benefits of school.

“We have single-sex schools and I am not challenging that, but the idea that you have a mixed school, and yet you do not have social development, stimulation, all the things that come from mixing the sexes, makes me uncomfortable.”

Birmingham city council has said both it and Al-Hijrah’s interim executive board were “co-operating fully” with the Department of Education to find a suitable Academy sponsor for the school.

This part of the article is intriguing and confusing.  While I do believe the investigation into the school based on the rape literature is definitely warranted, I am curious about the whole controversy surrounding the mixed gender education.  First off, why is there such a problem with teaching boys and girls separately.  Isn’t England one of the original founders of this type of education?  All-boys and all-girls schools have been part of English culture for centuries.  Why is it suddenly so crazy to think that this is being done in a religious school?

I feel that this part of the story is suspect.  Listen to the language being used:  “…the idea that you have a mixed school, and yet you do not have social development, stimulation, all the things that come from mixing the sexes, makes me uncomfortable.”

Excuse me…what?  Because there are two genders at the school, there must be “social development” and “stimulation” (whatever that means) or else the education standard is somehow sub-standard?

Perhaps I don’t understand sociology or psychology, but man, this sure sounds a lot like Leftist propaganda to me.  Why is it okay to have “Miss Porters’ School for Girls” in Connecticut and that’s a superior, quality education, but if it’s done in a religious school setting, it suddenly makes people “uncomfortable?”

What it comes down to is that the cultural differences between Muslims and the rest of Western society revolves around sharia law, not around whatever else Leftists want us to blindly accept in popular culture.  This seems to me to be an attempt at confusing Conservatives to agree with modern Liberal indoctrination by mixing up the signals of what is acceptable and what is not.  By mixing the subject matter in this report between, on the one hand, rape being tolerated, and on the other, the segregation of the sexes in education methodology, it seems that we are liable to fall for the Leftist call to action.

Just this week, we have been talking about how the House of Representatives has okayed American taxpayers footing the bill for the sex-reassignment surgeries of thousands of service members in the United States military.  The fact that the gender-blending propaganda has been reaching a furious level tells me that there is worry in Leftist circles that public opinion is slipping to an all-time low in support of this excrement.

Police officers in Florida will now be required to undergo “transgender sensitivity training” because one cop misidentified or “misgendered” a perpetrator, calling him male (which he was anatomically and visually) when he identified as a female (as indicated on his license, believe it or not).  A lawsuit ensued and now police in Florida are wrong for telling the truth and must have their time wasted by taxpayer-funded sensitivity training because we’re too scared to be truthful as a society.

This is the ruse and this article should be focused on the rape culture and not on anything else if it is to make an actual impact.

Source:  Breitbart

Image: Birminghammail



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