Do you remember those films that often featured a crazy character standing on a street corner with a cross around their neck telling people that they’re going the hell for doing one thing or another? Quentin Tarantino’s part in Little Nicky is a good example. Well that’s one example of taking a stereotype to an extreme. If you were to keep that stereotype but switch religions to one of the bacon-fearing sort, you might hit home a little harder than you’d expect.
For such a massive religion, many Islamic preachers certainly have some strange and certainly outlandish beliefs. If you don’t believe that statement, recall Mucahid Cihad Han, the Muslim televangelist from Turkey who said that men who masturbate will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife. If that’s the case, there will certainly be a lot of expectant fathers on the other side of the veil. However, the oddities don’t stop there. Now, urinals are under fire.
Find out why and how on the next page.
Dumb ass
Islamic “preacher” can always get the$#%&!@*out of my country and go p**s in a ditch in his sand pit of a country too. Stfu Muslim interlopers, you are not welcome here…
But I’m guessing he thinks it’s just fine to wipe his butt with his hand!!! So disgusting and dirty!!
That’s their goal! It always has been, and it’s exactly what the Koran tells them to do. They have no intention of assimilating; they only want to take control by slowly implementing Sharia! If idiot liberals don’t wake up to this, they will succeed. They have no place in any government position, as our Constitution is in direct contradiction to the laws of the Koran.
Is this the excuse for them urinating on walls , trees , lamp posts , in public ?
Leave America.
They are hung like a light switch and dont want it known
These same people will take a dump on the floor next to the toilet. Go figure
SHUT DOWN ALL MOSQUES THEY ARE ILLEGAL IF YOU WANT TO FOLLOW ISLAM THEN FOLLOW IT IN A MUSLIM COUNTRY NOT AMERICA Islam was banned from the USA in 1952, Public law 414 Chapter 2 Section 212 prohibition of entry to the Us if the alien belongs to an organization seeking to over throw the goverment of the
United States by “force”, violence, or other unconstitutional means by definition this rules out Islamic immigration. Immigration to the United States would be prohibited under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to the Islam which is antithetical to the US goverment, the Consitution and the republic. Wether it is a religion is emmateral because the law states that aliens who are affiliated with “any organization “that advocates the over throw of our government are prohibited”.