Al-Shabaab militants ambushed Kenyan quarry workers as they slept this morning near the country’s northern border with Somalia.
The militants singled out non-Muslim workers from the Muslims before shooting 32 workers in the head, decapitating the final 4.
This attack mimics the one last week when militants killed almost 30 persons on a bus in Kenya, again singling out non-Muslims.
So very true. These savages care not for anything but their owned warped view of domination; muslims, yes ALL of them are potential terrorist savages as their silence is tantamount to approval of the atrocities being done.
Dear God this Country is in such a mess !! Pray ! I can’t imagine 2 more yrs of this !
They aint right!
And for the men fight back against all odds. That’s how America came to be
Those $#%&!@*ers killed muslums more than nonmuslims . Alqaida and ISIS both made by Americans .America made Alqaida by help of pakstanis intelligence to fight againest Russia in Afganistan . American Amry gave the detenees Quran and let them make schools in camp or preson Buka in Basrah .Iraq they made crops and cells plus Arab and American trained those $#%&!@*ers to fight Alasad and equiped them those $#%&!@*ers regrouped with Iraqis Alqaida and made ISIS they captured Middle of Iraq now they killed thousands of Iraqis every day our Army have battle with them I serves wth USMC and Army alot of them know this facts . Every day ahundred of muslims die in Iraq by them help Iraqi Army to kill them air strick with out linking with Iraqi Army not enough
Help us if those can defead Iraqi Army they will spread and come to the west help us to stop them and eleminate them before we all lose
because they all belive the same thing and if they were not such COWARDS they would be back home fighting
Because they back the militants 1,000% ! They know they can lie right to the stupid libs faces and the libs will eat it up ! You tell libs the truth and they will never believe it , you tell them an outragious lie and they will lap it up !
As with any enemy they must be totally eliminated! Any remnant will rise up again because our freedom allows it to happen.
COWARDS! Waste of Protoplasm!