Al-Shabaab militants ambushed Kenyan quarry workers as they slept this morning near the country’s northern border with Somalia.
The militants singled out non-Muslim workers from the Muslims before shooting 32 workers in the head, decapitating the final 4.
This attack mimics the one last week when militants killed almost 30 persons on a bus in Kenya, again singling out non-Muslims.
the first crusade happened in 1095 1. 460 years before the first Christian city was over run by muslim armies 2. 457 years after Jerusalem was conquered by muslim armies 3. 453 years after Egypt was taken by muslim armies 4. 443 years after muslims first plundered Italy
Because the Muslim leaders, including Obama, sanction this !!!!
5. 427 years after muslims laid seige to the capitol of the Christian world, Constantinople 6. 380 years after Spain was conquered by muslim armies 7. 363 years after France was attacked 8. 249 years after Rome, capitol of the Christian world, was sacked by muslim armies, and only after centuries of church burnings, massacres of Christians, enslavement and forced conversions of the Christians (convert or die was the only option given to conqyered Christians). By the time that the Crusades finally began, muslim armies had conquered 2/3’s of the Christian world. SO MUCH FOR MUSLIMS BEING THE VICTIMS OF CHRISTIAN ATROCITIES!!!!!!
The differnce between a mocerate muslim and a radical muslim is that the moderate muslim holds you down while the radical muslim chops your head off.
Now tell me again—-which muslims was it that chopped off 5 children’s head a day or so ago, in Syria, because they woulod not convert from Christian to islam???? Folks , this is not a religion, this is a cult of death and nihilism called , “islam”…
What a load of garbage, it is this kind of stupidity that defines western media.
How would this look in Missouri? What would you do then, If the news put it out.
It is because they aprove of what they are doing
I feel like Ebola was to distract us from this happening.
We are at war with them but I want to kill non-Muslim world wide wake up people we are at war with Islam