Al-Shabaab militants ambushed Kenyan quarry workers as they slept this morning near the country’s northern border with Somalia.
The militants singled out non-Muslim workers from the Muslims before shooting 32 workers in the head, decapitating the final 4.
This attack mimics the one last week when militants killed almost 30 persons on a bus in Kenya, again singling out non-Muslims.
They cant. Its all part of the Islamic grand plan.
I know that they hate Americans, but I’m confused b/c I thought that they loved black people, esp. the ones from Africa as many of them are Muslim.
satans imps
birds of a feather flock together.
Why haven’t “Peaceful muslims” removed teachings like “kill the non-believers” from the Koran?
sometimes I think they kill just for the joy of killing, I don’t think they need a reason. Not just them, but anybody that kills another human for no other reason but that the person was there.
A religion of peacefull people.
Lovely people. So glad the POTUS is on such good terms with them or they might start doing these things…….oh, wait….they have started doing things like this in America. That’s why I strap on my .45 everyday….just in case I should run across one of their prayer groups practicing their beheadngs of us infidels.
They are not real Muslims who doing bad deeds, the real Muslims can’t hurt anyone