Al-Shabaab militants ambushed Kenyan quarry workers as they slept this morning near the country’s northern border with Somalia.
The militants singled out non-Muslim workers from the Muslims before shooting 32 workers in the head, decapitating the final 4.
This attack mimics the one last week when militants killed almost 30 persons on a bus in Kenya, again singling out non-Muslims.
COWARDS. They will all roast in HELL, and be given bacon grease to drink for all eternity.
Yes, he can change them into, murderers, rapists, baby killers, throat slitters, decapitators, and cowards, praise Allah, you ass faced POS!!!!
We are the people, the government will be changed soon. You of all people should know this, afterall you live in Texas!!
Boy, for someone who went to University of Michigan, your grasp on the English language really sucks!
Because people that is true islam.
Allah was a man that died centuries ago!
you watch way to many cartoons.
Suicide bomber thats not from Islam because Its haram (Interdit) the suicide In Islam because its a Sin Read Quran u Will see
Check your own government..all of amerikkkas presidents have been Masonic devil worshipping illuminaties. .
It sucks to be them