Al-Shabaab militants ambushed Kenyan quarry workers as they slept this morning near the country’s northern border with Somalia.
The militants singled out non-Muslim workers from the Muslims before shooting 32 workers in the head, decapitating the final 4.
This attack mimics the one last week when militants killed almost 30 persons on a bus in Kenya, again singling out non-Muslims.
Zionist people are terrorist and pure devil
Really dont talk of hell because its You Jews Christian or Catholic you Will be the first In hell
why ahve we not done something about this outrage?
Muslims are bunch of COWARDS, EVIL, AND HAVE NO HEARTS!! They do the WORK OF Satan!! EVIL BASTARDS!!!
If only You will See where from the terrorism then you will understand than Muslim are not terrorists or Devil there Many Islam the Chiism or Wahhabism dont represent Islam the only true way Peace its the Sunna In Islam the others are Sectes Devil who tells a lie against Allah Al Qeida ISIS from the Wahhabism
Its a War real islam against the f**e Islam
Thats its chiism devil from sect and they are not Muslims there Chiite In Irak and Iran and ISIS from (Wahhabism) enter In war against them
And Wahhabite Sect dont believ in our Prophet Muhammad Saw and its them who insult and creat the terrorism group In Saudi Arabia
Aadam Walker in drag!!
Kill every damn one of these bastards but make sure that pork steaks are their last meal.