Al-Shabaab militants ambushed Kenyan quarry workers as they slept this morning near the country’s northern border with Somalia.
The militants singled out non-Muslim workers from the Muslims before shooting 32 workers in the head, decapitating the final 4.
This attack mimics the one last week when militants killed almost 30 persons on a bus in Kenya, again singling out non-Muslims.
Because they are evil.
I think that Gee is Living Wayyyyy To far in the Past which he ovioursly didnt live in or See. Bit like the Moroon Muslims Who think that Killing is there Right. I certainly Dont agree with any. Very sad that people in the Past didnt do the Right Thing !! BUT i do believe that We have come along way to helping and making sure that the Aboriginal People continue to be Part of this Great country NOW called Australia .
Let’s destroy evils
This is the perspective of the original western aboriginal people of the western hemisphere. wont get the perspective of a white amerikkkan here ect ect..this is the perspective of millions of my aboriginal brothers and sisters you can come up with many excuses to discredit the truth and ignore much justice to be served but you are a reflection of every European that has invaded these lands you only care about yourselves while you promote justice and freedom only for yourselves and you label anyone who is not on your side the enemy and a terrorist..while this nation and europe your rope have historically commited the most crimes against humanity all across the planet so called christians who preach thou shalt not kill or steel ect. While you promote the murder of other people and live on stolen land with your double standard justice a sham thats why amerikkkas justice means just us!
Its sad what is going on in our planet
Let’s pray for peace,for every individual
They then will be targets for the active groups.
May they BURN IN HELL!!!!!!
Islam is pure evil