On Norwegian TV, Islamic leader Mullah Krekar plainly stated that Qu’ranic law says that Muslims may kill anyone who doesn’t respect the Islamic faith.
As liberal politicians and left-wing journalists continue to refuse the notion Islamic extremism, interviews such as these should open the eyes of those more willing to see the Muslim faith for what it can be: an excuse to perpetrate terror on non-Muslims.
It is downright dangerous to turn a blind eye towards to the factions within the religion that absolutely believe their faith is an excuse by which they may kill.
T0 see the interview, continue to the next page:
there are other means..
In your dreams goat lovers
How about the Muslims who’ll curtains.
And by a female
You been married too, Eh?
What a Dumb ass
Iam ready
Christians Jews and gays ,, are there targets
Then we have the same right, right.
Not for America