Once again Obama’s global pals indulge themselves with the cruelest forms of barbarism. In this case they beheaded a 12 year old Palestinian boy.
The group responsible for this atrocity is Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki. This radical group is involved in the civil war in Syria. In 2014-15 it was part of the Command Council of Syrian revolutionaries. President Obama supplied his pals with U.S.-made anti-tank missiles. This group is one of the most egregios rebel factions in Aleppo.
Find out more about this atrocious group and see the video on the next page.
Oh and by the way I was just wondering does it suck pretty bad to hate your own race? Legit question. You’re a very confusing contradictory person LOL and I feel very sorry for you.
They will burn in hell
My heart wept for this child. These aren’t people, they are animals. Lord, please help us and president Trump rid our country of this filthy vermin.
They are demons….animals are a blessing not a curse like them !!!
We want these barbaric violence in our country on American soil
THIS is how you KNOW Islam is evil….
They ALLOW these devils to BEHEAD a 12 year old boy….
You’d have to KILL me first!!!!
It’s called MORALS!!!!!
He already has, he aided the creation of Obama J.V. team. that man standing in the back is the leader of ISIS
This has to stop, why would any1 want to support them, They are not Human they are savages,