Once again Obama’s global pals indulge themselves with the cruelest forms of barbarism. In this case they beheaded a 12 year old Palestinian boy.
The group responsible for this atrocity is Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki. This radical group is involved in the civil war in Syria. In 2014-15 it was part of the Command Council of Syrian revolutionaries. President Obama supplied his pals with U.S.-made anti-tank missiles. This group is one of the most egregios rebel factions in Aleppo.
Find out more about this atrocious group and see the video on the next page.
Oh yeah That’ll work lmao smdh
Time to lock and load for everyone because of Obama
Horrrrrrrible ,evil
Let Obama clean up the terrible mess with his clothes. Can’t anyone see what is going on before things like this happen? Who will be held respinsible?
Make arrest no they need 750grains of .50cal
You need to pull your head out of your$#%&!@*and wake the$#%&!@*up! Obama wanted to bring this$#%&!@*s**t to your fucking doorstep DUMBASS!
Obama doesn’t just support these fucking Savages he wanted to bring them to our front fucking door steps!
And you liberal assholes want these people coming here
After reading the story and I assume watching the video this is all you can pull out of your$#%&!@* Smh you poor thing, and no I am not a trump supporter nor a Hillary Cuntster supporter.