Once again Obama’s global pals indulge themselves with the cruelest forms of barbarism. In this case they beheaded a 12 year old Palestinian boy.
The group responsible for this atrocity is Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki. This radical group is involved in the civil war in Syria. In 2014-15 it was part of the Command Council of Syrian revolutionaries. President Obama supplied his pals with U.S.-made anti-tank missiles. This group is one of the most egregios rebel factions in Aleppo.
Find out more about this atrocious group and see the video on the next page.
Chris Leonard? Still waiting for you to validate. You are so articulate, I can certainly understand why you would ridicule others’ opinions. Still searching for just the right meme to be appropriate for the beheading of a child?
Go$#%&!@*yourself Chris and go fucking live with those goat fuckers
Obama and everyone of those scumbags needs to be put in prison for the rest of their lives and rot in hell
Chris Leonard what does this have to do with Trump? I guess you’re right; I’m stupid, because I don’t get the connection, hateful man.
I agree I had to stop when I realized. Evil in every meaning of the word…No care for life oh how horrible
Oh, snap! You deleted the skid mark meme you were so proud of and that I called your selfie. LOLOLOL!
Why don’t all you Obama loving f***ers watch this video, this could be your kids, this disease needs to be wiped from the earth,
You can thank OBAMA, Kerry, McCain, and Gram for this c**p
Obama has been bringing these evil devils into our country and the stupid mainstream media have ignored it and refused to report on it. Thank God Donald Trump won the election so we can get rid of these vermin once and for all.
If this is true and he supports this we should just take his head off